The outbreak of COVID-19 has been a global crisis, impacting most countries and territories around
the world. Despite the social distancing and restrictive movement policies, cases have significantly
grown during the past three years. During the beginning of the outbreak, the cause of and treatments
for the corona virus were unclear. However, over time similar symptoms across various patients have
occurred, such as shortness of breath, headaches, persistent pain or pressure in the chest, fever,
nausea, and fatigue. More detailed observations of these symptoms with X-rays or CT scans show
patchy and confluent opacity and consolidation distributed throughout the lung zone developed over
time. Chest X-rays and CT scans can be a critical warning and useful diagnosis of COVID-19 and
COVID-19 pneumonia, also used during in the follow-up procedure of recovery [5]. Thus, we believe
a technological approach to such images can improve accuracy and speed of diagnosis and recovery,
showing an end to the long tunnel of the pandemic.